Alek Manoah Gave Up 11 Runs To a Bunch Of 18 Year Olds In Rookie Ball Today As His Fall Continues To Be One Of The Crazier Stories In Baseball This Year

Richard Lautens. Getty Images.

The rise and fall of Alek Manoah has been one of the crazier stories in baseball to follow this year. The right hander finished in the top 3 of AL Cy Young voting in 2022 and looked poised to build on that this year at the age of 25 years old. Fast forward to now and he has completely lost the ability to pitch. Is the pitch clock all to blame? I think it genuinely is playing a major factor and has resulted in a mechanical/mental deterioration.

Manoah hasn't thrown in the big leagues since June 5th, a start where he lasted all of one out before giving up 6 runs on 7 hits to the Astros. He was optioned to rookie ball the next day where he'd hopefully figure out his issues, build some confidence facing inferior opponents, and maybe work his way back to the Blue Jays in the second half. They've got an advanced pitching lab down there in Florida that can breakdown every last inch of what's wrong. 

Manoah made his first appearance in game action down there today and the results were very encouraging, and by very encouraging I mean beyond rock bottom. 

So much for a confidence boost. Guy has avoided game speed for over three weeks and took the mound versus children who proceeded to absolutely kick his ass. This is genuinely unbelievable and incredible. 

It is possible they're telling him to only throw a certain pitch or focus on a specific location, but either way you slice it that ain't good. In comes a 25 year old who competed for the Cy Young LAST YEAR only to get lit up by guys still learning how to hit. Can't be what they envisioned. What a shame for maybe the most obnoxious asshole in the league. 

So, what's next? Do you have Marty Mush step in to take some hacks? Maybe you forge his birth certificate like Carlos in 'The Benchwarmers' and send him to Williamsport? At this point anything and everything should be on the table including contacting CC Sabathia's physical trainer. 

P.S. Hate to see it. 

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